We are:

a patient led support group for people and their carers/families who have been effected by cancer of the Head and Neck

Support Meeting Held:

When:         Third Thursday of the month (Feb - Nov)

Where:         San Churro, The Hive, Erina Fair or 

                       Cancer Council Community Hub

                            The Hive, Erina Fair NSW

Time:           10am - 12 noon


Cancer Council Erina   .............................................(02) 4336 4500

CC H&N Support Group facilitator   .................. 0412 262 145

CCLHD H&N Cancer Nurse co-ordinator  ......  (02) 4320 9823

Website: https://tinyurl.com/73r4a23b

Link to our facebook page:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/319203731889380

The information provided on this website is for information purposes only. It is correct to the best of our knowledge, but no warranty as to the accuracy given. If you are a patient using this site, please seek assistance from Health care professionals in interpreting these materials. Links to other websites are for your convenience and do not constitute endorsement of material at those sites. 
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