NSW Central Coast Head & Neck Cancer Support Group

 Our Aims

The NSW Central Coast Head & Neck Cancer Support Group aims to assist patients and carers affected by cancers of the Head & Neck.

These include but not limited to tongue, oral cavity, throat and larynx cancers

 Our Focus

is to raise betterment in living our lives following cancer. We do this by coming together as a family for a sense of belonging, encouragement, inspiration, empathy and communication on improving our lives going forward. We share experiences and invite guest speakers in a safe setting

Discussion Topics

Treatment, Side Effects, Nutrition, Support and Wellbeing, Carer Support, Health & Wellness, Stress Management, Cancer information and more

Guest Speakers

Doctors, Nurses, Health Workers, Dietitians, Psychologists, Social Workers, Carer NSW, Speech Pathologists, CoastCanCare and Cancer Council NSW


Purpose of this Website

The purpose of this website is not to explain cancer, provide diagnosis or treatment plans, but more to let people know that we are a group of H&N cancer patients and carers who meet regularly to give each other support following difficult times and we welcome you to join us anytime.

The information provided on this website is for information purposes only. It is correct to the best of our knowledge, but no warranty as to the accuracy given. If you are a patient using this site, please seek assistance from Health care professionals in interpreting these materials. Links to other websites are for your convenience and do not constitute endorsement of material at those sites. 
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